Introducing Bellas Artes

 Bellas Artes Performing Arts Center will begin offering music classes at the El Puente Community Center in Mesa, AZ. Class offerings for summer  2015 will include piano, voice and photography classes for young women ages 10-18 years old who don't have the means otherwise of studying the arts privately without assistance. If you are interested in signing up for a class, please stop by the Community Center to fill out an application. Classes begin in Junes 10 , and space is limited!


Course Descriptions

Piano Class:

Students in piano class will focus on three aspects of musical development:

  • Music Literacy
  • Piano Technique
  • Performance

Voice Class:

 Students in voice class will focus on three aspects of musical development: 

  • Music Literacy
  • Proper Vocal Technique
  • Performance


The purpose of this Intro to Photgraphy Course is to develop and practice skills using digital photography tools. The course will cover the basic fundamentals of photography; from a brief history to composition of a photo, as well as techniques and applications of digital photography. 

sign up here


Interested in Becoming a Bellas Artes Instructor?Bellas Artes Instructor Application

Please take a moment to fill out an application and e-mail it to: cactusflower87@yahoo.com   

All of our classes are free and our building is always open to the community thus we are always in need of financial help to keep our programs going.

If you need more information or would like to serve you in any way please send an email:  josuelopez@redemptionaz.com


Bilingual Services: Good Friday / Viernes Santo - Easter / pascua


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